Monday, December 30, 2019

7 thought experiments that might change your life and how to make more time tomorrow

7 thought experiments that might change your life and how to make mora time tomorrow7 thought experiments that might change your life and how to make more time tomorrowEvery week, I come across insightful posts about behavior change that affect health, wealth, and productivity.At the end of the week (on Fridays), I share ten of the best posts at the intersection of personal development, psychology, technology, and productivity with my Postanly Weekly subscribers.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreI handpick some of the best long reads across the web that are almost as good as reading a book. Shorter than a book but equally valuable.Its a healthy mix of ideas on how to work better, make smarter decisions, and everything you need to build a better life and career.Sign up here to get future issues. Join over 38,000 people on a mission to build a better life.Issue 2277 Thought Experime nts That Will Make You Question Everything BigThinkThought experiments are among the most important tools in the intellectual toolbox. Widely used in many disciplines, thought experiments allow for complex situations to be explored, questions to be raised, and complex ideas to be placedDo Things Today That Make More Time Tomorrow MediumThe verfaulen worker juggles more in a day than ever before. There are dozens of different things you wish you could do with your time. Most people lose time at work to unplanned (and sometimes unnecessary) meetings, long conversationsThe Art of Blooming Late HBRMozart was a celestial genius, but he struggled like a mere mortal during his teens and early twenties. Though already a prolific composer, he had to work as an organist and concertmaster in his native Salzburg to make ends meet.Are These Defense Mechanisms Preventing You From Being Productive? TrelloBlogAllow me to kick things off with a (perhaps embarrassing?) confession The very thought o f writing this piece seemed really intimidating to me. I was concerned about creating something that was thorough and accurateWhen to Ditch Your Work-life Boundary And Say Yes to Opportunities FastCompanyWhenever you discuss work-life issues, you probably spend a lot of time talking about having appropriate boundaries and how to say no. However, you may want to decline less often and say yes more of the timebecause sayingStart Your Day Right with the Magic Morning Mindset TinyBuddhaWe would likely all agree that manicures, baths, and cozy movie nights on the couch all fall under the umbrella of self-care. But I believe that its time?- ?actually, beyond time?- ?to go deeper and re-claim what self-care truly means.The Case For Doing Nothing New YorkTimesKeeping busy? Running from place to place and labouring over long to-do lists have increasingly become ways to communicate status Im so busy because Imjust so important, the thinking goes.How Hindsight Bias Skews Your Judgement BBC Capital..Hindsight bias is one of the most widely studied of what are known as decision traps, in which people routinely employ mental shortcuts to simplify decisions when theyre leid certain decisions that are often skewed byThe New Science of How to Argue?- ?Constructively TheAtlanticIn the early days of the internet, way back in the 1990s, tech utopians envisioned a glittering digital future in which people from very different backgrounds could come together online and, if not reach consensus, at least learn something from oneThe Mind of Leonardo Da Vinci Scientific AmericanAcross the centuries, each generation has interpreted Leonardo da Vinci (14521519), finding him to be remarkably modern. At the 500th anniversary of his death (May 2, 2019) we can consider Leonardos meaning in our era.Until Next Week,Thomas, Curator at Postaly WeeklySign up here to get Postanly future issues.Join over 38,000 people on a mission to build a better life.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Kate Gleason

Kate Gleason Kate Gleason Kate GleasonAlthough it wasnt until the middle of the 20th century that engineering programs officially began opening up to women, some found ways to develop knowledge and skills that gave them a chance to pursue their interests despite major hurdles.Catherbeibeiine Anselm Gleason (1865-1933), the oldest child of machine shop owner William Gleason and his second wife Ellen McDermott Gleason, was one of those. Known as Kate, she began reading books about machines and engineering at a young age. When her older half-brother, who had been helping her father in the shop, died of typhoid, she stepped in at age 11 to fill his shoes when she wasnt in school. Some biographers say one reason she didnt meet resistance from her father was because one of her mothers close friends was womens rights advocate Susan B. Anthony.Continuing the work of her father, she was a pioneer as an independent woman in several waysas an engineer, as a geschftlicher umgang person, as a wor ld traveler. She, along with her brothers, took William Gleasons machine shop to the next level of business, a step toward making Gleason Corp. what it is today. The company is one of the worlds top providers of the machines, tooling and technologies needed to produce gears found in everything from vehicles to airplanes, wind turbines to power tools.Kate Gleason was the first female to become a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.At age 19, Kate Gleason became the first woman engineering student to enroll in the Mechanical Arts program at Cornell University, but her fathers shop in Rochester soon came upon hard times. She was called home and never was able to return to complete the requirements for a degree. However, through training and self-learning she earned the title of engineer and is recognized for her considerable accomplishments. Some of her education came from courses at the Sibley College of Engraving and the Mechanics Institute, which became Rochester Institute of Technology.While still in her 20s, she strengthened her fathers business by becoming one of the first American manufacturers to expand to Europe. Today, international sales are a strong component of the companys business. After two younger brothers joined the family business, their older sister left and undertook a range of activities that put her in the world of finance and also left a mark on the development of her Rochester home town.Concrest, a community of 100 homes in Rochester, NY was designed to resemble a southern French village in 1916 by Kate Gleason by using poured concrete.In 1917, when the president of the First National Bank of Rochester resigned to serve the country in World War I, she became the first woman with no family bank ties to become president of a national bank. Her experiences with employees at manufacturing and financial companies sparked an interest in how to provide low-cost housing for workers. Drawing on her engineering skills, she came u p with new designs for affordable housing made of concrete based on a new pouring method she developed. She described her methods in an article she wrote for a trade magazine, Concrete, in 1921, titled How a Woman Builds Houses to Sell at a Profit for $4,000. Her designs became a model for future developments.By 1918, her work had so impressed the American Society of Mechanical Engineers that she was unanimously elected to membership as its first woman member.In later years, she traveled extensively and used her affordable housing concept to undertake business ventures in California and South Carolina. She purchased and restored an estate in France and helped the town recover from the destruction and devastation of World War I.Her impact on engineering, especially for women, continues to be recognized. In 1998, the Kate Gleason College of Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology became the first engineering school in the country to be named for a woman. The school also e stablished a Kate Gleason Endowed Chair in 2003 for a professor, who among other qualities motivates women in engineering activities and builds upon the tradition of Kate Gleason as a role model for women in engineering.In 2011, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Foundation established the Kate Gleason Award recognizing the contribution of distinguished female leaders in the engineering profession.Nancy Giges is an independent writer.By 1918, Kate Gleasons work had so impressed the American Society of Mechanical Engineers that she was unanimously elected to membership as its first woman member.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Types of Resume Formats and Which One to Choose

Types of Resume Formats and Which One to ChooseTypes of Resume Formats and Which One to ChoosePutting together a resume is very serious business. It is your introduction to a prospective employer and, as with all first impressions, there are no do-overs. If the employer likes what he or she sees on your resume, you will have the opportunity to make a second impression, on a job interview for example. If he or she is unimpressed, it could end up at the bottom of the pile or in the trash. Your first step is choosing the right resume format chronological, functional or combination. Chronological Resume The chronological resume is probably the one with which fruchtwein people are familiar. On it, work experience is listed in reverse chronological order (most recent job first). This information goes beneath your name and contact information (address, phone numbers, and email address) and objective, as it does regardless of the format you choose. For each job, indicate the period of ti me during which you were employed. The name of your employer and then the employers location should follow this. Below that you should give a description of each job. Follow your work history with a section on education that lists each degree, certificate, etc. you have earned. This format is best to use when you are trying to show career growth. For example, if your most recent job is a store manager, the one before that is department manager, and prior to that you were a sales clerk, you can show a history of upward progression. However, if your work history has been spotty or if it has been stagnant you shouldnt use a chronological resume. If you are changing careers, a chronological resume is not for you either as you will not be able to show acareer trajectory. Functional Resume A functional resume is a good format to use if you are changing careers. Although you dont have an employment history in the field in which are seeking a new job, you do have skills you have obtain ed through other experiences, both paid and unpaid. These are called transferable skills and a functional resume allows you to highlight them. This type of resume categorizes your job skills by function, emphasizing your abilities. Follow your name, contact information, and objective with a section for each of the functions or abilities you want to highlight. Your related work experience goes beneath each section heading. For brevitys sake, try to keep to a maximum of three of four functions. For example, you might have sections titled Supervision and Management, Accounting, and Writing and Editing. Within the section titled Writing and Editing, one of your items might be Edited monthly newsletter to promote upcoming library events and workshops. Begin with the function on which you want to distributionspolitik the most emphasis. Choose the one that is most relevant to the job for which you are applying. Target your resume to different employers by changing your objective as well as the order in which you list the functions. The one downside of a functional resume is that it doesnt provide a job history. This may arouse the suspicions of the person reviewing your resume who will surely want to know something about your employment history. A combination resume will solve this problem. Combination Resume A combination resume is exactly what it sounds like- it is a hybrid of a functional resume and a chronological one. This is a useful format if you are changing careers but have a solid, though seemingly unrelated, employment history. You can also use the combination format if your work history includes only one place of employment, but you spent a significant amount of time there and your job duties were very diverse. It lets you stress the various skills you attained through that job. The first item on a combination resume, after your name and address, should be your objective. Next come the sections describing your abilities or job functions. Follow the i nstructions for putting together a functional resume but keep your descriptions a shorter since you will have to leave room for the second part of this format Employment Experience or Work History. This part resembles a chronological resume. List employers and dates here, but do not offer further descriptions as you have already described your abilities in the functional part of this resume. Using the resume format that is best suited for your background and job search objectives gives you the best opportunity to tell a prospective employer about yourself and how you will best serve his or her needs. If you have an extensive work history that does a good job of showing off your attributes, go with a chronological resume. Use a functional resume to show off your abilities while de-emphasizing a limited work history, or use a combination resume to show off your abilities and a bit more extensive but still limited work history.

Monday, December 16, 2019

More than a quarter of workers backed out of job offer after accepting

More than a quarter of workers backed out of job offer after acceptingMore than a quarter of workers backed out of job offer after acceptingJust because a candidate accepts a job offer doesnt mean its a definitive yes.A new survey by Robert Half found that more than a quarter of workers claimed to have backed out of offers at the last minute after initially saying yes.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe survey, which gathered responses from more than 2,800 workers across nearly 30 US cities, found that 28% admitted to backing out after initially agreeing.Forty-four percent said they backed out after saying yes because they received a better offer from another company. Others said they received a counteroffer from their current employer (27%) and some heard things about the company they accepted from that they didnt actually like.Having cold feet is understandable ghosting an emp loyer is unacceptable, Paul McDonald, senior executive director for Robert Half, said. Even though it may seem easier to avoid an awkward situation, transparency is always the best policy during a job search. If you have a change of heart after accepting a position, be honest with the hiring manager.What you can do if you change your mind after accepting a job offer?McDonald recommends explaining to the employer that you wont be accepting the job offer. It wont necessarily be received well, but it offers a moment where communication and candor make you look better on your balk.If you handle the situation unprofessionally, however, it can reflect negatively on you personally and follow you in future job searches, McDonald warns.Here are three tips for candidates after changing their mind on a job offer, according to Robert Half.1. Read the fine print Especially if youve signed a formal contract, be careful and make sure there are no hidden points when revoking your offer.2. Be forthc oming Tell whoever you can - hiring manager, recruiter or human resources - that youve decided to move in a different direction as soon as possible.3. Exit gracefully Avoid sending a text message or email. Call or meet in person to notify the company you will no longer be accepting the position. Being apologetic and profession goes a long way.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Negotiating Severance Packages...

Negotiating Severance Packages...Negotiating Severance Packages...Were listeningMany thanks to all of you who participated in our usability lab this past week (and apologies to those of you who received less-than-perfect customer service from our outside vendorboy, have they gotten an earful from us)Of course, we love hearing about how much you like the product, but it is even more useful to hear about what we can do better for youFirst the good stuffYou told us that you love and appreciate the fact that we collect all these $100K+ jobs for you in one place, screening out the garbage. You love the content, though it is a bit long and you understand the advantage of free for companies cover charge for the job-seeker.FantasticNow, there were also a lot of useful comments on making the product betterYoud like more control over geography search by state, search by city, search by distance from your zipcode.You dont like the jobs popping open in new windows.You want keyword search my lo ng-running diatribe against keyword search notwithstanding. So when you, the customer, demand keyword search, we will get you keyword search prontoYou also feel that daily updates would be better than weekly updates.And it would be quite useful to you if we could summarize the content up top.OK, Readers, you have spoken, and we are listening. So please stay tuned for your ever-improving Ladders.comGETTING YOUR RESUME SEENYour fellow reader, Lisa, writes in with this great tipI hate to give away my secrets because I always find great jobs and get them, but here is one secret Ive used for the past two job hunts successfully. I do most of what you have suggested in your letter below for mass mailing and combing through the market.But once I have find tuned the search to the 4 or 5 companies I REALLY want to work for, I send my resume in a priority mail or express mail envelope. These larger, more impressive envelopes ALWAYS gets opened first when the mail arrives on someones desk. And of course by this time, I would have the name of the HR person who will be hiring for that job title. On these resumes with cover letters, I always print on nice paper and I reference someone in the hiring department who suggested I get my resume to the HR representative (them) as soon as possible.The trick here is that you have to really have fine tuned the search down already but I find this works particularly well in niche industries. And, if everyone started doing this, it would become less effective, of course, but in the ten years I have employed this tactic, I have yet to find it NOT to work at getting me noticed and ahead of the rest of the 400 resumes that came in at the same time.Lisa CullinaneWow Thats a great advice Lisa, and one sure way to make your resume stand out from the crowd at the cost of few extra bucks. ThanksReaders, let me know when Lisas gambit works for youWHAT READERS ARE SAYINGWe get a lot of mail here at HQ. Landings. Product suggestions. Ku dos and complaints.Heres a sampling from the past weekI did go on several interviews as a result of my participation with Ladders. Ill definitely recommend your service, there is nothing else like it. Im going to be abverkauf Controller in Houston.Thanks,A. PikeHouston, TXI am a new subscriber to UpLadder and recently took advantage of the resume critique service. I had to let you know what incredibly professional service I received from Ms. Debbie Ellis at Phoenix Career Group. It was certainly an eye-opener when I received her grades on my resume, but I am excited to construct a new resume and continuing moving forward looking for a challenging and exciting managerial position. My one-month subscription of $25 has easily paid for itself just with this critique.Howard SchmidtNewtown, PAI couldnt be more satisfied with the results I received by using Sales Ladder. I am still getting results even after accepting the position I have now. Thanks for providing such a useful tool to seek employment. I had tried other web sites but none could compare to yours.Thanks againSteve BrownFallbrook, CAI have accepted a position as a right hand to the CEO of a travel/leisure and luxury goods venture. two of the companies are Oriel Wines and Amanyara Resort.MktgLadder has certainly been a great resource. I submitted resumes to a number of positions only found through your service, with a solid response (interview) rate. even had a couple of offers. I also recommend MktgLadder often. If I were to search for absatzwirtschaft specific positions again, I would most definitely re-subscribe.Cheers,Kelly FordNew York, NYThanks to Within a few months I secured my new job with Pitney Bowes in the corporate PR department. Highly effective indeed.CCConnecticutand heres one from a recruiter friend who is happily posting his $100K+ jobs for free with usSo far, the response to my advertising has been excellent, not in quantity, but in quality. Most everyone to date fits th e profile and is worthwhile.Dick McKnightThe McKnight GroupThanks, Readers, for making the system great

Friday, December 6, 2019

Shocking Info Regarding Film Production Assistant Resume Unveiled

Shocking Info Regarding Film Production Assistant Resume Unveiled Knowing the difference between a resume and curriculum vitae is a good deal more essential before you pick a template. If youd like your resume to be noticed, the summary section is vital. Even after a last piece is done, the PA might need to ask a client their thoughts on final item. Creating your resume is important. Film Production Assistant Resume Secrets Always begin with the recent work experience which youve got. One of the simplest ways to find experience is to offer to work free of charge. If youve got the skills that the business looks for in an applicant, youll get called for an interview. First things first youve got to create a resume to submit an application for an internship. Film Production Assistant Resume Help Production assistants play a crucial parte in the entertainment media. A Production Assistant has an unavoidably crucial part in the entertainment market. Production assistant job s are only the very first step on the ladder. Furthermore, you can look for production assistant jobs on Monster. There are several independent production companies in cities all around the nation, so you are able to use the exact same strategy wherever you may reside. In LA, at times it feels like people are in their very own world or in their very own vehicle. There are simply too many folks wanting to work in the entertainment market. You should use individuals internet sites to acquire the desired layouts for any increased job. Production doesnt want their business spread out throughout the set. Film Production Assistant Resume Sample As a film production assistant on the lookout for new employment, your resume is among the essential documents you must pay critical attention to. Youre able to create the perfect manufacturing assistant resume using the next expert tips and resume samples. Whether this Production Assistant resume example was not sufficient for you, youre totally free to review several other samples and templates from our website. Film Production Assistant Resume and Film Production Assistant Resume - The Perfect Combination Understand that almost all of the established people on the work site are there because theyve been welcomed back for their experience. They appreciate the hard work PAs do and you may be surprised to get an offer from someone who drops by the senderaum Youve got no actual experience, and therefore dont attempt to hide it, since itll be instantly obvious to anyone reading. You get started working and people know that you could do a job. Developing a film resume is not quite as confusing as it seems to be and with a tiny know-how it can be rather easy. The art department is accountable for the general appearance of the movie. 1 surprising and appealing point to have in your film resume would become your education. Film production assistants who also have technical know-how are especially valuable as fixe rs, people who are able to handle issues immediately, know whats required and the way to deal with them. Nonetheless, the work is extremely varied and it gives a great opportunity of entry-level role into the movie industry. The very first thing you ought to do is be the very best film PA you can be. Unglamorous as the PAs work might seem, being part of the production remains the very best approach to learn about the movie and television industries. Delays in shooting and other manufacturing work are incredibly pricey. Even in the event you submit your resume via e-mail, a lot of the time the manufacturing business will phone you to interview. It would become your job to take care of organizational and administrative tasks so the production would run smoothly and punctually. Candidate needs to be able to stand or sit for extended amounts of time. Applicants that are proficient in filmmaking software and office computer software programs will definitely have greater odds of being hired. Assistants frequently have creative eingabe on the evolution of new shows or features. Dont make the UPM have to look for your number. Because of the character of work in the publishing manufacturing field, a manufacturing assistant has to have an extremely acute attention to detail. Pre-entry experience is critical for developing additional technical abilities and demonstrating commitment to the business. Most union PAs are requested to complete tasks with a specific focus. The working environment varies dependent on what it is that you are working on. Film Production Assistant Resume Features Im a film professional with over 10 decades of experience in several facets of the business. Perhaps you just know your experience and talent are an ideal fit for us. Therefore, PAs need to be able to familiarize themselves with the movie set to be able to maximize their success rate. The entertainment business is all about who you know to assist you get ahead. With hardly any exceptions, positions can be found in Bristol, Connecticut. By signing with a temp agency, youll not simply meet several potentially influential men and women, but you are also going to be in the prime position to discover what else may be available that matches more with your career targets. You may still have transferable experience from various other positions. For instance, progression in a massive organisation, like the BBC, may take longer because of the extensive competition in comparison to a neighborhood radio station. Obviously, you may look through the PA openings posted on various on-line job websites. A cv or resume is very important for every single student for virtually any job be it a part-time job or the beginning of your career. Go over the work listing to make certain you only include skills that match the firms requirements. Consequently, its important that you do a terrific job during your very first gigs so that you obtain a respectable repu tation in the business.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

5 Hottest Careers in Media and Communications

5 Hottest Careers in Media and Communications5 Hottest Media And Communications CareersPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie ChunIf youre an ideas person with a flair for writing, you cant go past a career in communications for diversity and creative stimulation. All geschftlicher umganges need communications specialists, and with rapid change in every spherbeie due to new technology and social media growth, opportunities abound in every industry. The beauty of the business and communications industry is that job opportunities are endless. Skills can be transferred across different industries through roles in public affairs, corporate communications, event management and new business development, says David McDonald, head of college for APM College of Business and Communication. In this increasingly connected world, communicators are in hot demand. Heres a look at five of the most exciting options in the world of media and communications.1. JournalismMedia junkies have always been lure d to a career in journalism or freelance writing. Its hard to beat for sheer variety and dynamism, with opportunities in print, radio, TV and online, and different genres such as travel writing or sports writing but you have to be a resourceful go-getter with a nose for a good story, as well as a thick skin. If you get off on the rush of creating content to tight deadlines, this could be the career for you. One journalist who has learnt this first-hand is Helen Isbister, the Sky News reporter in Adelaide. Isbister was thrown in the deep end and had to quickly learn all the skills required to be a one-woman broadcasting show. I do all the on-air stuff, as well as my own camera work and producing. I cover everything from politics, sport and business to courts, police and entertainment. Its a big brief, but I enjoy getting to follow the biggest stories of the day and having a lot of variety. Its a perfect career for those who thrive under preskoranvers, but you have to be tenaciou s. Bill Birtles, a radio journalist for Triple J, advises, First of all, you need to be really persistent just to get a solid job in the industry. Second of all, you need to be able to write. Build up a portfolio of work ASAP if youre at university that means start writing for student publications. Do anything that shows over time that you have a commitment to actually working in the industry and that you have an interest in current affairs. You need to build up a portfolio of work to make sure that people realise you are keen and ambitious. Journalists also need to eat and breathe all things media. As journalist Mia Freedman observes, I think that to be involved in the media youve got to be hungry for information, youve got to be very curious. Ultimately, to work in media youve got to be a very big consumer of media in all forms.2. Marketing and advertisingMarketing and advertising careers are just as dynamic and diverse just ask Serge Costi, Assistant Brand Manager at Tip Top. I assist the senior brand manager with the planning and execution of Tip Top marketing plans. I am involved in new product development, product launches, advertising communications, consumer research, packaging updates and consumer promotions. I like the hands-on nature of the job and being involved in so many different functions and activities. Marketing careers are ever-evolving with the growth of new media and online opportunities. The world of advertising has also had to keep up with the times and provides a stimulating and fertile environment. Well-known ad man Siimon Reynolds broke into the advertising world at a young age and was a creative director by the time he was 21. According to Reynolds, effective advertising is always about good old-fashioned communication, regardless of technological change. Communication is always the same. Its still all about selling. Its like youre sitting down with someone and youre convincing them to buy your product, but in this case its in an online ad or a Twitter page. Youve just got to remember that no matter what medium you use, youve just got to be persuasive, youve got to be liked, and youve got to make sense. Reynolds has seen people come and go and emphasises the importance of persistence to make it in the industry. Its hard to get in and hard to master, and its hard to rise to the top. So at every level beginning, middle and senior youve got to be up against yourself, practising, getting better. Be persistent, but be alert throughout your career, not just at the start, advises Reynolds.3. Public relationsWant to follow in the Jimmy Choo-shaped footsteps of Sex and the Citys public relations expert Samantha Jones? That would involve managing all manner of communication and public perception about organisations, people, products and specific issues by handling media, crafting positive messages, getting positive exposure and editorial coverage, and organising events. Its a fun and challenging career for extr overts who love research, writing, organising, problem-solving and public speaking. Josh Meadows is media advisor at the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and loves his fun and stimulating job. I track media developments to keep abreast of whats being reported and what slant the stories are taking, write and disseminate materials such as media releases, background briefings, opinion pieces and web content, and organise events. Im doing a job thats stimulating, important and interesting. Im working on things Im passionate about, with a great bunch of people who are so enthusiastic about what they do. Im in no hurry to move on, says Meadows.4. PublishingDo you have an eye for detail and get excited by correct punctuation and a beautiful font? A career in magazine or book publishing, online publishing or editing could be beckoning. Amanda Evans is Development Editor at a large book publisher I enjoy being involved with a book from the initial project research and proposal t o management to then working with authors, editors and designers to shape the direction of the text to finally putting all the elements together in a final form. My favourite part of the job is seeing the finished book that is the culmination of the kollektivs hard work. The excitement around the office when a book arrives fresh from the printers is incredible Magazine publishing is a notoriously difficult industry to crack. One of the tricks to getting your foot in the door is to do a stint of work experience something that all magazine editors recommend. If I could offer any advice to people trying to break into the industry, it would be to secure some sort of ongoing work experience. Even if it means working for free as an intern for 12 months, I have seen so many interns go from being the workie, to the person with a job in publishing, says Amanda Nicholls, Editor of Total Girl magazine. The other universal recommendation from all magazine editors is to network and make the m ost of your contacts. Former Cosmopolitan Editor Mia Freedman says, So often jobs in the media arent advertised, they just go to whoevers around and whoevers a known quantity. Thats how I got my job and how a number of staff that I appointed got their jobs. Its because I met them when they were doing work experience at Cosmopolitan when I was editing. Jana Frawley, National Food Editor at News Limited, confirms the importance of making the right contacts. Yes, there is a lot of word of mouth. My advice to anyone coming into the industry is to pull in any contact that you possibly have and nurture any contacts that you make. As you get a few years experience under your belt, your contacts recommend you, or let you know when jobs are coming up.5. Technical writingTechnical writing is another area that those with a love of the written word and knowledge of a niche area can consider for a career. Its a form of writing or documentation used in fields as diverse as computer hardware and software, health, finance, biotechnology and law. As a technical writer, you could be writing software manuals, legal textbooks or financial reports basically writing in any specialty area for either a technical or non-technical audience. You dont necessarily have to be an expert to be a technical writer but you need to be able to understand and use technical language, and translate that into plain English. Jo Chalmers completed a Masters in English Literature and later studied health science, and then combined her two loves to become a health writer for a large nutraceuticals company. I did two kinds of writing, some marketing material which was for consumers, and more technical writing for health practitioners. Both required lots of research and documentation but they gave me experience in writing for two different audiences, and that versatility is important for any writer.What qualifications do you need?Formal training isnt an absolute necessity for a successful foray into co mmunications, but its a competitive field so anything that will give you an edge will help. According to journalist Helen Isbister, Formal qualifications arent essential, but nearly everyone in the newsroom has them. It may be a degree in journalism, business, law or PR, just to name a few. Everybody follows their own path, but I think going to university is a great experience which will always be helpful in launching your career. There are a plethora of communications courses in journalism, freelance writing, marketing, and publishing and editing on offer. Communications students have a head-start in the graduate job market, groomed with the skills and know-how to be work-ready. Skills they will use include press release writing, market research, business planning, developing proposals, presenting, negotiation and even interview skills, says APMs David McDonald.Amber Wilson studied freelance journalism through Open Colleges (formerly known as Cengage Education) by distance and i s now working as a freelance writer. I had left a full-time job to have a baby now that I was a stay-at-home mum, I really wanted to find a way of turning my writing skills into profit. This was where the Freelance Journalism course became my new best friend. The tutorials were easy to follow, and being able to work at my own pace, I could study in between caring for my baby. Perhaps the most useful information I learnt was the best way to approach publications and what to do to increase my chances of selling articles. As a result, a magazine accepted an article and another has been published online with the Sydney Morning Herald. Without this course I never would have had the confidence, says Wilson.Communications ResourcesGovernment communications officer sample resumeGovernment communications officer sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Public Relations OfficerSocial Media ManagerJournalistCommunications OfficerCommunity LiaisonPopular Career Searchescommunications courses perthonline business communication coursesmarketing communication training coursescommunication courses sydneycertificate iv in communication and mediaCommunications CoursesBachelor of Communication (Journalism)Enquire angeschlossen Enquire OnlineBachelor of Communication (Digital Media)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of CommunicationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMaster of CommunicationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJosie ChunRelated ArticlesBrowse moreHigh schoolWork experienceHow to get work experience at a magazineIf youve ever envisioned yourself as Anne Hathaways character in The Devil Wears Prada, you probably already know that a position in the glossy magazine industry is a job a million girls (and a few boys) would kill for.Event ManagementEvent coordinators sought after by businessesAlmost more than for any other industry, event management is all about relationships.Charles Sturt University (CSU)Commu nicationsHow to Make Your Mark in the CommunicationsThe communication industry is all about telling stories. Learn strategies to build your career as a professional in communications and ensure your stories get seen, heard or read.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Break the Monotony With These 4 Fun Team-Building Activities

Break the Monotony With These 4 Fun gruppe-Building ActivitiesBreak the Monotony With These 4 Fun Team-Building ActivitiesLooking for ways to instill a kollektiv ethic, boost morale and motivation, or just encourage employees to come out of their shells? Then consider a few fun team-building activities from time to time. Theyll help you bring the group together in a lighthearted, collaborative way.The key is to focus on enjoyable yet challenging activities that push your employees to find creative solutions. At the same time, theyll get a gratifying break and gain a fresh perspective on their jobs and each other.Here are some fun team-building activities to use with your team - and each should take an hour or less.The obstacle fieldGoal To improve trust and communication among team members.Activity Find an empty room or hallway, or head outdoors to an open field, and place obstacles around the space. They can be cones, empty bottles or other objects. Divide your group into two-rolle teams, and blindfold one member. The blindfolded team member must then try to navigate the obstacle field without tripping over any of the objects. The partner provides verbal guidance.Yin and yangGoal To improve communication in the workplace and build team spirit. This is also an effective icebreaker technique for new employees.Acitivity First, ask team members to think of a common pair of items - for example, macaroni and cheese, yin and yang, or jacket and tie. Have them write the name of each item on separate pieces of paper.Tape one piece of paper to each participants back - making sure no one gets their own suggestions. To deduce whats taped there - and find their other half - participants mingle and ask each other yes-or-no questions. Of all the fun team-building activities on the list, this one probably takes the least amount of prep time. So its especially suited for team leaders who are time-strapped.Potluck lunchGoal To promote camaraderie and celebrate group achiev ements or milestones.Activity Organizing a potluck lunch is a fun way to encourage communication among team members. Some may want to discuss aspects of projects they dont have time to broach in the typical workday, and the relaxed atmosphere can also lead to conversations around peoples activities and interests outside of the office.Whether its a workplace anniversary or just a random Friday, ask each person to bring a dish that can be shared with the team. Make it even more fun by choosing a theme, like a fiesta or ballpark snacks.Admirable traitsGoal To showcase everyones strong suits. A great morale booster.Activity Assign an envelope to each individual and fill it with blank slips of paper. For the next week, encourage team members to write down something they appreciate about each person (excluding themselves). At the end of the week, everyone takes an envelope (not his own) and shares aloud the positive things that were written. Once the exercise is complete, everyone receive s his or her own envelope of the affirmative thoughts coworkers wrote about them.There is no shortage of fun team-building activities out there. The next time your group gets together - whether for a skills-building course, brainstorming session or simply for the regular Friday meeting - consider doing one of the activities above. Youll likely find that with just a little bit of time, you can help the team feel more comfortable working together.For even more great tips that you can use to build teamwork in the workplace, check out one of these articlesThe Value of Teamwork in the WorkplaceSetting Team GoalsTeam Buy-InStaying PositiveTeam Diversity

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New data paint an unpleasant picture of poverty in the US

New data paint an unpleasant picture of poverty in the USNew data paint an unpleasant picture of poverty in the USOn Sept. 12, the U.S. Census Bureau released national poverty data for 2017.The headline was that 39.7 million people were poor in 2017. This works out to 12.3 percent of the population or one in eight Americans. The good news is that the U.S. poverty satz has fallen since 2010, when it hit 15.1 percent, and is now where it was before the Great Recession.The bad news is that poverty still exceeds the 11.3 percent satz of 2000 and far too many people are poor in a country that is so rich. Aleidher bit of bad news is that things look even worse if we use what many scholars like myself believe is a better poverty measure.Who is poor?In 2017, women had higher poverty rates than men and minorities had higher poverty rates than non-Hispanic whites, mainly because women earn less than men and minorities receive lower wages on average than whites. For similar reasons, adults with lower education levels are more likely to be poor.Whats more, having an additional adult able to earn money gives married-couple families much lower poverty rates than households headed by a single woman.Poverty also varies by age. For those 65 and over, the poverty rate fell from the 1960s until the 1990s, mainly due to more generous Social Security benefits. Since then, it has remained at around 10 percent. The poverty rate for prime-age adults fell until around 1980. After 1980, it fluctuated around 10 percent, rising during recessions and falling during economic expansions.Child poverty, however, has been relatively high in the U.S. since the late 1970s it now stands at 17.5 percent. For children in a female-headed household, the poverty rate is near 50 percent.Problems with measuring povertyThese data all come from American households, using methodology developed in the early 1960s by Mollie Orshansky of the Social Security Administration.Taking Agriculture Department data on minimum food requirements, Orshansky calculated the annual cost of a subsistence food budget for families of different sizes and types. Household budget studies from the 1950s showed that families spent one-third of their income on food. So, Orshanksy multiplied the cost of a minimum food budget for each family type by three to arrive at their poverty threshold. Thresholds rise annually based on inflation over the past year.Being poor means having insufficient income during the year to purchase bare necessities. The poverty rate is the percentage of the population in this situation.The Orshansky poverty measure has been subject to substantial criticism. Clearly, poverty thresholds are not very high. A single individual making US$1,060 a month would not be considered poor. Yet, in most areas in the U.S., its hard to rent a place for less than $500 a month.Even if thats possible, this leaves only $20 a day for transportation, clothing, phone, food and other expenses. Orshanskys minima l food budget assumed that people shop wisely, never eat out and never give their children treats. She actually preferred a more generous food budget to get multiplied by three but she was overruled by senior government officials.Another problem is that the U.S. poverty measure ignores income and payroll taxes. In the early 1960s, the poor paid minimal taxes. Starting in the late 1970s, low-income families faced a more formidable tax burden, leaving them less money to purchase basic necessities. Conversely, in the late 1990s, tax credits began to lower the tax burden on the poor.Finally, standards concerning what is required to be a respectable member of society vary over time and place. For example, cellphones did not exist until recently. Childcare was not necessary for many in the 1950s or 1960s but when all adults in a family work, its essential.More bad newsTo deal with this last problem, many scholars prefer a relative measure of poverty. The Luxembourg Income Study, a researc h organization that analyzes income distribution, considers households to be poor if their income, adjusted for household size, falls below 50 percent of the median income of their country for the particular year.Unlike the U.S. Census Bureau, the Luxembourg Income Study subtracts taxes from income when measuring poverty. It also adds government benefits, and makes data as comparable as possible across nations. The result is a poverty rate that is typically two to four percentage points above the official U.S. measure.From an grenzberschreitend perspective, the U.S. clearly does poorly. According to Luxembourg Income Study, the U.S. poverty rate was 17.2 percent in the mid-2010s much higher than other developed countries, such as Canada and the U.K.Things are even worse when it comes to child poverty. In the U.S., child poverty rates have surpassed 20 percent for several decades, making it an outlier among developed nations.My research has identified two important policies responsi ble for this last result child allowances and paid parental leave. Child allowances are fixed monthly payments to parents made for each child. Paid leave provides income to parents around the birth or adoption of a new child. Both policies are available in developed nations throughout the world except the U.S. The more generous these national benefits are, the lower the child poverty rate.Considerable research shows that growing up poor adversely affects childrens health, as well as their intellectual and social development. It lowers earnings in adulthood, and reduces future tax revenues for the government while increasing government social spending.The annual cost of child poverty comes to around $1 trillion. Meanwhile, every dollar spent reducing child poverty is estimated to yield $7 in the future. This exceeds the return on most private investments.Steven Pressman, prof of Economics, Colorado State UniversityThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Co mmons license. Read the original article.

Maryland One Stop Counselors Get BRAC-Ready

Maryland One Stop Counselors Get BRAC-ReadyMaryland One Stop Counselors Get BRAC-ReadyMaryland One Stop Counselors Get BRAC-ReadyForty One Stop employment counselors from Maryland and DC have just been trained on the ins and outs of the federal job search. Marylands Department of Labor, wanted One Stop clients to have strong support when applying for 20,000 BRAC-related federal jobs flowing into his state. Kathryn Troutman, the federal jobs expert leading the training gruppe. The state of Maryland has been getting ready. Due to Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) decisions made in 2005, Maryland expects to receive about 20,000 direct federal jobs. Huge reorganizations of military bases and DOD agencies have slated thousands of additional jobs for the US Armys Aberdeen Proving Grounds and Fort Meade. The states Department of Labor, wanted to improve the success of federal job seekers moving through his One Stop employment centers. Now Md. State and DC employment counselors have recei ved intensive training in the federal job search.Applying to work for the federal government is different than in the private sector and much more mysterious for most people, noted Kathryn Troutman, who is leading the Federal Career Training Institute team doing the training.Applying for federal jobs has always been complicated. Back in 2002, Troutman recognized the need for special in-depth certifications in federal job training and coaching coincidentally while doing a one-day training with job counselors in Maryland. The counselors told her they were intimidated by the federal hiring process and tended to avoid it. This conversation a decade ago inspired Troutman to establish her dual track Certified Federal Job Search Trainer and Federal Career Coach Certifications. The specifics of federal job counseling for veterans are part of the certifications and Maryland training. With the drawbacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, One Stop counselors need to be especially prepared to help ex-military with federal employment. Since federal job titles are different, counselors need to be trained on how to match past experience with the right positions.In all, 35 One Stop employment counselors from Maryland and five from DC completed the major portion of the federal jobs training earlier this year. This means that there is now one Federal Career Navigator for each One Stop office in the state of Maryland. The 2-1/2 day training was done in two groups of 20. The One Stop counselors will all also attend a one-day follow-up session to address any challenges and remaining questions.Three Federal Career Training Institute trainers lead the two groups through a comprehensive back-grounding in federal employmentDay 1 Troutmans 10 Steps to a Federal Job approach to applying for federal jobsDay 2 A federal HR primer, including special populations hiring programs (veterans, military spouses, the disabled, etc.)Day 3 Coaching Practice, including assessment of job applicant skills , figuring out what the jobseekers objectives are, determining the skills called for in a job announcement, and counseling on improving the resume and writing it toward a particular position.Incorporated within the training was also coverage of Troutmans outline resume-writing technique, a format which has been well received by federal HR. A major problem with the earlier job campaigns in Maryland was certainly the resumes, Troutman explained. Federal resumes require a special format, which is three to four pages on average. Accomplishments need to be emphasized, rather than past duties. Keywords are important. A general resume wont do. She said that, for veterans, writing the federal resume can be especially challenging since many have never had to write one before.Troutmans federal job certifications are turnkey programs, which means everything is supplied. The Maryland students received six books, including The Federal Resume Guidebook, 5th edition and books geared toward veteran s, students and senior executives. They also were given a Powerpoint of Ten Steps training that can be presented to jobseekers. The very hands-on course was taught at the computer. The certification lasts for two years.Troutman sees the training of One Stop counselors in Maryland as a model for One Stop centers in other states, especially areas with a high concentration of federal jobs or BRAC opportunities.The training demystifies the federal application process, said Troutman. After the three days, the counselors feel confidant that they understand the federal system, and can advise applicants on federal jobs that best match their skill set. Its so important that federal resumes be targeted toward a specific federal job, and we emphasize this throughout the entire three days.Now in their tenth year, Troutmans Federal Job Search Trainer and Federal Career Coach certifications are the first and only certification programs on the federal job search. The programs are pre-approved to fulfill 24 continuing education hours for the Center of Credentialing and Educations Global Career Development Facilitator certification. For more information on Troutmans certification programs and other federal career services, go to